Mindfulness and Meditation

Mindfulness and meditation embody similarities and can overlap however they are not the same. Because these words are often used in a similar context, confusion about the differences between mindfulness and meditation is understandable. There are many ways to define, describe, and practice both, and their practical applications are incredibly intertwined.

During the engaging presentation, the participants will be involved in understanding the  similarities and the differences between Mindfulness and Meditation. They will be guided through a session of Mindfulness and Meditation and encouraged to find their own ways to practise either or both. At the end of the session, the participants will gain calmness, awareness of the breath and body, thoughts and feelings, experience inner peace, letting go of stress and worries.
Everyone has their own reason as to why they want to practise mindfulness and meditation therefore each individual will take home ideas, tips and information that will serve them.  The session is tailored with lots of options to accommodate individual needs.

Suitable for Children, Youth, Adults, Seniors
Duration: 1 Hour
Cost: As per quotation
Venue: Roushini will come to your venue

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