Holi=Indian Festival of ColoursHoli
“The Most Joyful Messy Play”
Apart from cultural learning, this presentation also covers many learning areas like belonging and working together.
The presentation starts indoors with interactive Bollywood dance and dhol drumming followed by Roushini narrating and children acting out the story about “Why do Indians celebrate Holi?”
The session continues outdoors with real Holi FUN – with colour splash, water play and dancing.
Children will also learn about caring for the environment, eating healthy food, drinking more water, saving water, how the Holi colours are made and why we splash colours?
Dress Code: Please Dress White. We will finish-up colourful!
Please provide indoor for drama play.
Outdoor space for colour splash, dance & water play
Each presentation is tailored as per the age/stage of the children and as per the request by teachers & educators.
Tailored for children aged 3-5 years (Kindy and Day Care), Prep to Year 6 and Vacation Care
Kindy and Day Care
- Duration: 45-60 minutes
- Cost: Flat rate of $350 applies for up to 50 children; $7 per additional child
Prep to Year 6 (School Programs)
- Duration: 60 minutes
- Cost: Flat rate of $350 applies for up to 50 children;$7 per additional child
- Maximum: 80 children per session
Vacation Care
- Children will be involved to work together to create their own version of Holi story, rehearse and present it to the whole group before the finale.
- Duration: 2 hours (10am – 12pm; 1.30pm – 3.30pm)
- Cost: Flat rate of $450 applies for up to 30 children; $12 per additional child
- Maximum: 80 children per session
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