The Magical Rainbow Inside You is an educational, empowering and cultural story written for children to learn how to self-care and self-regulate.
This centuries old story teaches children about the seven magical colours and positive messages for them to learn, understand and utilise the knowledge to care for their body and mind.
To further demonstrate how to incorporate this empowering resource as part of children’s health and well-being program, the author, Roushini, has created a “Tribal Kids Club=self-care for kids” presentation for children 3 to 12 year old.
During this tailored, interactive drama Play presentation children learn how to BELONG and work TOGETHER to learn about SELF-CARE and SELF-REGULATION.
Learning Outcomes:
- Introduction to Self-care and Self-regulation
- Enriched mental and emotional wellness
- Empowered with Positive words & feel good messages
- Enhanced cognitive development: imagination, concentration, questioning, problem solving.
- Diversity inclusion, cultural learning and experience.
- Quality social skills, belong and work together
- Enjoyment of physical activities: Play and learn.
Age & stage appropriate: 3-12 Yrs.
Product details:
Format: A4 Portrait.
Print Length: 48 pages
Publisher: Self Published
Sold by:
Language: English
ISBN: 9780648294801
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